November 11, 2019

7 myths about the NHS Pension Scheme

We’ve put together this comprehensive guide that busts seven common myths about the NHS Pension Scheme.
Michael Harms APFS, Director and Chartered Financial Planner

In recent months, headlines have focused on the pension issues that many NHS clinicians have faced. Reading negative news stories could lead you to conclude that, if you work for the NHS, the simplest course of action might just be to leave the scheme altogether.

Indeed, more than 240,000 people opted out of the NHS Pension Scheme between 2015 and 2017.

However, with these headlines comes much misinformation and inaccuracy. So, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide that busts seven common myths about the NHS Pension Scheme.

Download your free copy and get impartial answers to many of the questions you might be having about NHS pensions.

Download your free guide here.

The top 9 things you should consider doing before tax year end

The current tax year ends on 5 April 2020 and this date represents the final chance to use many of your annual thresholds and allowances.

And, as you don’t have the option of carrying forward many of these allowances, failing to use them means you lose them.

Keeping track of changing thresholds and effectively managing your allowances can be tricky. Here’s your comprehensive guide to the top nine things you should consider doing now in order to get ‘end of tax year’ ready.

Download your guide here.

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